
Taking Better Pictures

Taking Better Pictures

Taking Better Pictures (3 Classes)—Inst: Steve Kehayes

Tuesdays: April 4, 11, and 18

10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

$30 Kane Members | $36 Non-Members

Taking Better Pictures is a three-session workshop geared for the casual picture taker. This workshop is not camera or phone specific. We will concentrate on understanding what makes a good photograph, how to avoid common mistakes, and recognizing good composition, all before clicking the shutter. Other topics include taking portraits, street photography, making panoramic vistas, and using tools such as a selfie stick. The final session of the workshop will include basic editing techniques you can use on your iPhone or Android smartphone. Register in advance.

Event Properties

Event Date 04-04-2023 10:30 AM
Event End Date 04-04-2023 12:00 PM
Individual Price $30 Kane Members/$36 Non-Members
The Charles & Rae Kane Center
900 SE Salerno Rd, Stuart, FL 34997, USA
The Charles & Rae Kane Center